A Cosmic Revelation of Neter and Number
Today I want to speak about a subject that’s very dear to my heart, the Creation Myth of Iunu. Because for so many years I’ve been receiving downloads about it, and this myth holds the most essential keys needed to unlock the Temple Teaching.
Once you get a grasp on just how vital a role CREATION plays in their entire mythology, then many of the mysteries of Egypt begin to reveal themselves.
Creation has nothing to do with the past. It’s an ever-
Several Creation Myths were developed in ancient Egypt, and for me, the most practical and comprehensive is the one revealed in Iunu, later called Heliopolis by the Greeks.
Iunu sits diagonally across the Nile from the Giza pyramids in a suburb of modern Cairo, where a huge obelisk from the middle kingdom still remains in its original location, and at its center stood a now-
Both NETER and NUMBER are fundamental aspects of the Temple Teaching, and in the Iunu Myth, 9 Cosmic Laws are simultaneously revealed along with 9 numbers in a specific and unchangeable order that are still being used today, over 5,000 years later.
Now I will be speaking about each neter and number in much greater detail in the forthcoming videos, but the Myth is so vast that I’ve even had to split this overview into two parts, so in part one below I’ll be introducing the first six neters revealed, which are some of the most abstract Cosmic Laws the human mind can grapple with. But let’s dive in!
the MYTH
The myth begins with the dark and infinite waters of NU, which contain the potentials of every possible thing in a yet un-
Still, it sounds quite gibberish and meaningless because we don’t know all those characters yet, so let’s break it down and learn more about these neters – as though it’s a stage production!
In the cast list, NU is barely mentioned as the name of this total darkness; it’s like the curtain opening at the theatre where still there’s no light on stage. And by holding the darkness for a while, each member of the audience goes into their own imagination… wondering what’s going on?
This already tells us a lot about the character of NU. It IS the dark unknown, that many people aren’t ready to face yet. But by its sheer absence, this desolate void invokes your curiosity, your imagination, because every possibility exists in it, and intuitively, you know that.
Suddenly a spotlight appears, and rising up from the void on top of a pyramid is ATUM, the very first entity to manifest in the cosmos. Atum translates as our word ATOM; the tiniest thing our human mind can conceive of. Effectively, he’s the building brick of planet Earth, since everything we know is made up of atoms. so working with Atum means working with ATOMIC ENERGY,
Back on the stage now, picture yourself as Atum coming out of the void to be blinded by that dazzling spotlight. and the sheer emptiness demands your own presence. Then the realization of your utter solitude stimulates the first desire, the desire for an other, which brings about the greatest mystery of all, how the one becomes two, or the splitting of the ATOM, as ATUM miraculously generates the twins Shu and Tefnut by and from himself. Together they make a trinity of un-
Shu and Tefnut represent SPACE and TIME as completely abstract principles, and together with Atum, they make a trinity of un-
Shu and Tefnut also mark the first appearance of the male and female principles which, according to the Laws of Nature, are designed to unite, so they become the first couple to unite and give birth to Geb and Nut, the first procreated entities.
The neter Geb represents MATTER. Following the Male Lineage, he structures ATOMS, from his grandfather ATUM, into specific forms that exist in SPACE, or Shu his father. However, the structuring of these atoms would not be possible without Nut, his mythological twin sister and wife.
Nut represents the principle of animation or MOTION. Its Nut who enables the atoms and molecules of Geb’s matter to come together in structured forms, and on earth she allows these objects to move or be moved, plus she sets in motion the stars and planets throughout the entire Cosmos. And following the Female Lineage, it is precisely the movements of these celestial bodies that defines what we call Time or Tefnut.
Now an interesting detail comes up here. Because as soon as the latter are born, these two procreated neters become so enamored of each other and especially of their sexual union that they never let go and remain locked together. This emphasizes the tremendous power of attraction that exists between engendered beings, and makes Atum quite concerned, so he sends Shu to physically separate them, which results in the division between above and below, as well as the birth of two sets of twins, OSIRIS and ISIS, and SETH and NEPHTHYS.
Remember how the Female Principle is that which contains, and the Male, that which is contained. So the Earth is suspended in Space or Shu and the movement of the heavenly bodies defines what we call Time or Tefnut.
This detail emphasizes the tremendous power of attraction that exists between engendered beings, which can only be separated by Shu or SPACE. Food for thought.
Here I want to say something about TWINS, because as humans we know that brothers & sisters share many things in common, yet twins are so closely related that in many cases they are inseparable. After the appearance of Atum, all of the subsequent neters are born as twins. So always remember that the neters are simply personifications of cosmic laws, and this human connection serves to help our understanding of how they relate to each other and work in harmony together.
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