Some of the most powerful images ever created come from Ancient Egypt. They penetrate into the depths of the psyche, bypassing the limitations of logical mind by entering directly into our innate consciousness, and revealing the universal truths that validate Cosmic Law.
living in harmony with Cosmic Law
Would you like to live in harmony with the Cosmic Laws of the Universe? Did you even know that such things exist? Well, you’ve come to the right place!
I’m Brian Flynn and I’ve been blessed to live in Egypt since 2005, where I’ve received a wealth of information on what the ancient sages called the neters, and these neters formed the backbone of Egypt’s Temple Teaching. I typed up all these downloads thinking I’d write a book – until I realized I could turn it all into a series of videos, so I created this Gateway: to share this sacred knowledge with as many people as I can.
Just who or what are these mysterious neters? And how can they help us in our daily lives? Well, the neters are the cosmic laws of the universe, and although they are actively functioning all around us and within our own bodies, we cannot see them since they are abstract, metaphysical powers or principles. But what we can see are the manifest results of their work, which here on Earth we call NATURE.
Origin of the neters
Long before what we call the Dynastic Period, the great sages held a complete understanding of how RA or God first created the universe and what purpose it served. They gladly assumed the responsibility to record and pass on their understanding, which they did both through the oral tradition and their sacred art forms. In this, their most brilliant conception was to personify the cosmic laws, which allowed them to concisely formulate the great myths. that reveal so much information about the neters, and to figuratively depict them in a highly stylized form, most often with a human body and an easily recognizable head or headdress.
Formulated within the Temple Teaching, the myths were circulated among the entire population throughout the land so that everyone shared the same cosmological beliefs.
Why don’t we know about them today?
For those of you new to the word neters, they’re what mainstream Egyptology falsely calls the gods & goddesses of Egypt, and go on to tell us they were worshipped and sacrificed to.
But what is this word neter? And why haven’t we heard about it? Neter is a word that repeats constantly throughout all the sacred texts and it describes “a divine principle or attribute of God”. It is, indeed, the means by and through which God created the universe, but since its mentioned so often, the early Egyptologists needed a short substitute to use in their translations. They were also constrained to prove the historical validity of the Biblical texts, and anything found to the contrary had to be suppressed or denied, and the worship of idols was clearly heretical. So by translating neters as gods, they got both the short substitute and a perfectly valid reason to refute the integrity of the entire Egyptian civilization. Bravo!
A peek into the hieroglyphs
So now we’ve cleared that hurdle, let’s take a closer look at what this word truly embodies. The hieroglyphs are another brilliant creation of the Egyptian sages that we will continue to examine throughout this series, and the hieroglyph for neter is an axe. An axe serves to split wood, which is a swift, decisive action that immediately achieves the desired result. As we will later see with the neter Atum, it explains the great enigma of how one can become two. The word can also be spelled out using hieroglyphs that are pronounced NTR, since vowels were not usually written, and this root still survives in western languages as NATURE.
While each hieroglyph is a totally unique, living entity containing multi-
Who, how and why?
Now the great sages didn’t create the neters, but they came to know them all and went on to personify them to make it easier for people to relate to them. According to the Egyptian cosmology, that was done by RA – or God – himself, and there’s a wonderful poem by the great Sheikh Ibn Arabi in which God or Allah explains why and how He did this:
I was an unknown treasure
that longed to be known
So I created Creation
That I might be known.
Now in order to create the universe, He first had to create the means by and through which this could be done, and these are the Cosmic Laws, the laws of creation.
The hieroglyph for RA is a dot with a circle around it, and this ingenious symbol also explains the process of creation. A perfect circle is best drawn with a compass, and it’s no coincidence that this hieroglyph is also the symbol for sacred geometry, of which the compass is an essential tool. To begin with there is only a blank surface – the VOID. Then suddenly the point of the compass marks a spot on the surface, an instantaneous action that happens once, in the moment. Then the circle is scribed with the other end of the tool – an action which occurs in time. The dot or point representing RA as Creator is created outside of time, instantly, whereas the circle – representing the Creation – is unfolded in time as the compass sweeps across the surface making a perfect circle. The compass, which connects these two and enables the action to be performed, represents the neter or cosmic law that allowed the Creation to come into being.
What about us?
From His great benevolence, the Creator shared this great wisdom with human beings so that they too could come to know and utilize these same laws in order to manifest things for themselves, effectively as co-
So again, would you like to live in harmony with the Cosmic Laws of the Universe? Well now you have a better understanding of just what they are, so stay tuned for further information by subscribe to my channel and if you’d like to support me you can buy me a coffee through the link in the description below.
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