TEFNUT is the third cosmic law revealed in the Iunu Myth, yet why don’t we know more about her? And if numbers have any real significance, as the number THREE she’s pretty high in the rankings. So let’s dive into TEFNUT to find out just what this neter and number is all about.
TEFNUT is either represented as a woman with the head of a lion, or in complete lion form. In human form she usually wears a wig with a uraeus cobra wrapped around a sun-
A name is like a signature that sums up the person or object it portrays, and the name TEFNUT is written with four hieroglyphs,
t f n t
We’re already familiar with the first one, the half circle that scribes the path of RA as he crosses the sky every day, which is where our basic concept of TIME comes from.
The sound F is represented by a horned viper, a poisonous serpent that swiftly attacks to bite its prey in a decisive action that, like the passage of TIME, cannot be reversed. The hieroglyph embodies the intensity, vitality and urgency of this primordial creature, which moves by the rhythmic undulation of its body, creating the shape of a wave (N), which is the next hieroglyph.
The wave symbolizes cosmic energy in action, and in the spelling of NU we saw it in its pure, incomprehensible state, yet here its dualistic nature introduced by Shu is emphasized, alternating like the swing of a pendulum that regulates time for a clock.
When placed before the letter F it forms the word nef meaning breath, then by adding the letter R it makes the word nefer, whose symbol is a heart suspended by the trachea or windpipe. Since these two are not anatomically connected but together serve a vital function in keeping the heart alive, F refers to the animating principle of the breath rather than its physical or biological aspects.
Breathing occurs in both space and time and by placing a T at both the beginning and the end of her name, it ends up exactly where it started, like the Oroborus snake holding its tail in its mouth, symbolizing ETERNITY. The T at the end also acts as the female determinative, and further emphasizes how she encapsulates ALL TIME.
Hence TEFNUT’s name can be read as she who contains the vital, animating principle of cosmic energy, or the divine process of BREATHING.
When a baby is born, the first thing it does is to inhale in the Breath of Life, and breathing is a process that occurs in TIME, so the ‘air’ the baby breathes in must already exist first, and this explains why SHU is the firstborn of the twins. And being a male principle, SHU is that which is contained, and the female principle TEFNUT is the nose that contains it.
As a Cosmic Law. TEFNUT represents the abstract concept of ALL TIME, while on a personal level, your time is measured by your own breath – literally from your birth to your death, so TEFNUT spans your entire lifetime here on Earth.
I mentioned before how both neter and number were revealed simultaneously in the Iunu Myth, and today I want to present a fascinating tool that both confirms this while also opening up doors to the abstract metaphysical realms, and it’s the cubit.
The Egyptian unit of measurement was the cubit, which doesn’t line up with today’s standardized, impersonal systems because its length varies. And that’s because all sacred architecture was built in strict accordance with Cosmic Law, and each temple or monument served different sacred functions, so their linear dimensions were specifically tailored to that purpose. And while entirely governed by the harmonious proportions of Sacred Geometry, the cubit used in for one project doesn’t necessarily apply to another.
This is not a measuring tool like those we’re used to. Look. Rather than showing numerals, the symbols of different neters are used to define each unit, and the first nine are the ones revealed in the Iunu Myth, with HORUS representing the number ten.
So to me, it shows that the cubit is not just a ruler for measuring things, but it relates to the properties of the Cosmic Laws shown on it, making it a metaphysical tool directly connected to the neter MAAT who represents obedience to Cosmic Law, to which the layout and proportions of any temple or other sacred object must be aligned.
Starting with the dot in the circle, we have Atum representing the number one, followed by the ostrich feather of SHU for number two, and curiously a nose for TEFNUT as the number three. Now the only other connection I’ve heard of between TEFNUT and a nose is that her name sounds similar to a sneeze, which is one explanation of how Atum created her. But to me that’s a very weak argument… so let’s take another approach.
Sacred geometry is a perfect way to deal with abstract concepts in a practical way while still retaining all of their magical and metaphysical properties. Let’s start with Atum as the number ONE represented by a dot – completely isolated and independent. Then SHU as the number TWO is represented by a line, which has two ends and introduces duality and polarity. It also divides SPACE.
This brings us to TEFNUT as the number THREE, represented in sacred geometry by a triangle, which allows us to see this very well-
So thank you for letting me share this information about the neter TEFNUT today, and to support the channel for just the price of a coffee tjust click on the link below. It really helps us to keep going here on Return to Cosmic Law, and as ever. thank you.
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